


作为新加坡立杰律师事务所的上海代表处,我们的工作是确保客户随时获得新加坡立杰律师事务所广泛深入的专业知识和反应迅速的优异服务。 立杰上海代表处的律师与新加坡的中国业务服务组、我们的区域办公室和区域业务组密切合作,就与中国有关的业务和法律问题提供优质、完整的法律解决方案。 与立杰亚洲的其他成员一起,我们在整个亚太区域为客户提供一流的跨境法律服务-不论客户在亚洲那个地区从事商业活动,均能享受“在家的便利”。

Rajah & Tann Asia is a network of legal practices based in Asia.

Member firms are independently constituted and regulated in accordance with relevant local legal requirements. Services provided by a member firm are governed by the terms of engagement between the member firm and the client.

This website is solely intended to provide general information and does not provide any advice or create any relationship, whether legally binding or otherwise. Rajah & Tann Asia and its member firms do not accept, and fully disclaim, responsibility for any loss or damage which may result from accessing or relying on this website.

© 2024 Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP. Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP (UEN T08LL0005E) is registered in Singapore under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act (Chapter 163A) with limited liability.